Peers Against Tobacco

Brand Strategy / Art Direction / Experiential / Merchandising / Website / Print / Content / Social



Fueled by the success of JUUL, vaping by teens and college students skyrocketed. In the year leading up to the assignment, there was a 78% increase in vaping by high school students, and 63% of students and parents didn’t know JUUL contains nicotine.


Smoking had developed a stigma over the years but young adults didn’t associate vaping with tobacco, plus they thought the device was cool. To raise awareness we promoted a series of bad habits that are better than vaping. The campaign targeted 25 Texas universities and colleges. Our social media campaign reached 1.8MM students across Texas. On-campus outreach events engaged more than 5,000 students in one-on-one discussions.


Nike Keep It Tight


Yeehaw Brewing Co.